Black Belt 4th Dan

Tae Kwon Do Basics +

Tae Kwon Do means “art of the hand and foot.” It is a martial art that has no equal in either power or technique. Tae Kwon Do stresses the importance of harmony and balance between the mind and body.  By doing this, one can have a stable and balanced system.  

Student Oath

  • I shall observe the tenets of Tae Kwon Do, sir/ma’am
  • I shall respect instructors and seniors, sir/ma’am
  • I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do, sir/ma’am
  • I will be a champion of freedom and justice, sir/ma’am
  • I will build a more peaceful world, sir/ma’am


Tenets of Tae Kwon Do

  • Courtesy
  • Integrity
  • Perseverance
  • Self-Control
  • Indomitable Spirit
  • Patience, sir/ma’am


Classroom Etiquette

  • Bow to the flags before entering or leaving the training room
  • Upon entering, bow to all instructors and seniors
  • If your belt or uniform needs adjusting, always turn away from seniors and the flags
  • Bow before and after addressing a senior
  • Do not bow to a senior if he/she is practicing or instructing others, unless they have established eye contact
Forms (Meaning and Significance) +

Belt Name Movements Meaning

White - Chon-Ji - 19 Movements - Literally means Heaven and Earth.

Yellow - Tan-Gun - 21 Movements - Named after the legendary founder of Korea.

Green - To-San - 24 Movements - Named for the patriot who devoted his entire life to furthering the education of Korea.

Purple - Won-Yo - 28 Movements - Named for the Buddhist monk who introduced Buddhism into Korea.

Blue - Yul-Go - 38 Movements - Named for the scholar nicknamed “Confucius of Korea”.

Brown - Joong-Gun - 32 Movements - Named for the patriot who assassinated the first Japanese governor-general of Korea.

Red - Toi-Gye - 37 Movements - Pen name for the noted scholar Yi Hwang.


White – Signifies Innocence

Yellow – Signifies the Earth from which the plant sprouts

Orange – Signifies the Sun is beginning to rise

Green – Signifies plant growth

Purple – Signifies coming to the mountain

Blue – Signifies the Heaven towards which the plant sprouts

Brown – Signifies the tree firmly rooted in the Earth

Red – Signifies danger, cautioning the students to exercise control, warning an opponent to stay away 

Black – Signifies maturity and proficiency in Tae Kwon Do

Korean Terminology +

Common Korean Terminology

Joonbi Ready Stance

Bahro Return to Ready Stance

Gam Sa Ham Ni Da Thank you

Kyung Nae Bow

Sah Bum Nim Master

Cha Ryot Attention Stance

Dojang Tae Kwon Do School

Do Bok Uniform


Other Korean Terminology

Shi Jak Start

Ko Man Stop

Ti Belt

Gyu Ro Gi Sparring

Poomse Form

Dan Black Belt Degree

Poom Children Black Belt

Kyuk Pa Board Break


Kicking Glossary

Ap Cha Gi Front Kick

Dol Ryo Cha Gi Roundhouse Kick

Ne Ryo Cha Gi Axe Kick

Yop Cha Gi Side Kick

Ho Ryo Cha Gi Hook Kick


Stances Glossary

Ju Choom So Gi Horse Stance

Ap Ki So Gi Front Stance

Dwi Ku Bi So Gi Back Stance


Blocking Glossary

Ah Re Mag Gi Down Block

Eul Gul Mag Gi High Block

Mom Tong Mag Gi Side Block

Son Nal Mag Gi Knifehand Block

Weekly Training Requirements +

In the weeks leading up to the Black Belt Promotion students are required to do extra training requirements to better help prepare them for their promotion.

For the checklist of requirements please click the link for more info:

Weekly Physical Training Requirements

Personal Development +

Personal Development

  • Essay
  • (Typed essay, 5 page double spaced, about what Tae Kwon Do has done for you and everything that you know and have learned from Tae Kwon Do.)
Form Requirements +

Form Requirements



Board Breaking +

Board Breaking Requirements:

Consecutive Techniques:
10 Punch
10 Under Knife Hand
15 Spin Hook Kicks
10 Back Kick + Power Back Kick

Power Breaks: (Done in a demo style routine)

Under Knife Hand
Hammer Fist
Ridge Hand
Back Fist
Spear Hand

Front Kick
Round House
Axe Kick
Back Kick
360 Round House
Jump Back Kick
Blind Fold Jump Spin Hook

Train online from home.

Check out these prerecorded class videos designed for at home training without the need to a large space or equipment.