Creating great leaders for the future!

Jr. Leadership Team

Jr. Leadership Team is for students 7-13 years old with a green belt or higher. Joining the team is a great opportunity to develop your ability to be a leader and make a difference by helping others!

As a part of the team you will be able to attend our special Jr. Leadership Team class where you will learn more about what it means to be a role model and a leader. In addition you will learn skills that are important to assisting classes, where you will be able to practice these skills while helping others.


Leadership Team

Leadership Team is for students 14 years or older with a Orange stripe belt or higher. Joining the team is a great opportunity to develop your ability to be a leader inside and out of the classroom while helping others!

As a part of the team you will be able to attend our special Leadership Team class where you will learn more about what it means to be a role model and a leader. In addition you will learn skills that are important to being a leader and working with a team.


TMA Leadership Team

Rules & Guidelines

Class Attendance +

-Students must regularly attend Tae Kwon Do classes twice a week (not including
sparring and the Junior Leadership Team class) to ensure they are up to date on their
curriculum and are making strides forward.

Class Behavior +

-During all classes attended, students are expected to be leaders by expressing
mature behavior at all times. This also includes behavior outside the Tae Kwon Do
classroom (i.e. lobby, home, school, ect...).

Leadership Team Class +

-All students are expected to attend the Junior Leadership Class. This class will meet
every 2 weeks on Monday. This class is designed to teach the
student how to assist with classes effectively as well as how to be a better leader.

(Check your locations schedule for class time)

Class Assistance +

-Students will be expected to assist with at least 2 classes per month. This is to
provide them with experience being a leader inside the classroom and helping others.
-Students will need to sign up for a class time to assist with. This can be located on the
Application page. If the student is unable to make it to assist the class scheduled for,
please let us know in advance.
-Students will need to wear their Junior Leadership Team uniform when assisting with

Student Tuition +

-The one-time fee for students to join the Junior Leadership Team is $100. This fee will
cover the Junior Leadership Class and their Leadership uniform.
-All students are expected to be up-to-date on their membership tuition payments. If a
student is past due, please resolve this issue by talking to a staff member. Students
will be asked to leave the team if they are unable to be on time with their payments

Complaints +

-If a relevant issue about the Junior Leadership Team should arise, please do not
hesitate to let us know. There is a zero tolerance for student/parent complaints. We
would like to resolve any issues professionally and respectfully.

Top Martial Arts Leadership Conference

reserve your spot

Click here to see info about our upcoming Leadership Conference.

Top Martial Arts ABCs of Young Leaders

Our goal is to show students that they can start to make a difference in the world, no matter how young they are. This starts on a small scale by becoming aware of behaviors and then creating new habits at home. These habits can carry over into their social lives and to extracurricular activities, especially when peer pressure becomes more prominent. We have broken down leadership development into three main categories.

A- Appreciation +

The purpose of this theme is to emphasize the importance of giving back. Even though we understand that we need to give back to those who give to us, it can be difficult to find a way to do it. Students will learn how to show appreciation to people that provide, sacrifice, and give to us. As a leader, students need to appreciate both those older and younger than they are.

B- Balance +

The purpose of this theme is to encourage students to create balance in life in various ways such as: balancing time with time management skills, balancing stress by improving mindset, balancing when to be productive and work, and when to have some quiet time to yourself and relax. Life is a constant balancing act of taking steps in the right direction at the right time.

C- Communication +

The purpose of this theme is to introduce skills to properly communicate ideas and feelings to others. Communication varies depending on who you are, who you're talking to, and what you have to say. Young leaders will learn to speak with the intent to be understood, not just to be heard. Speak because you have something to say, not just because you want to say something.